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Lake Sevan

The Lake of Sevan is located in the Marz (region) of Gegharkhunik: it is the largest reservoir in the RA. The lake is also known by the name Geghama. Gegham was the grandson of Hayk Nahapet (the mythical progenitor of the Armenians). After his victory over Bell, Hayk Nahapet divided the Armenian lands between his sons and grandsons, and this wonderful lake went to Gegham. And the name Sevan was also mentioned in Urartian inscriptions in a slightly different form. Lake Sevan is the world's second upland mountain lake after the South American Lake Titicaca. It is located at a height of 1910 m above sea level. The maximum depth of the lake is 99 meters. The area of the lake is 1200 square kilometers extending from shore to shore by 70 km. Average water temperature of the lake is 18-24 degrees in summers, and in winters the lake partially frozes. The lake Sevan is composed of two parts, the Large Sevan and the Small Sevan, which connect to each other by the strait of Artanish. 28 rivers falls into the lake Sevan and only the river Hrazdan flows out. Lake Sevan is the biggest reservoir of sweet water of the Middle East. Lake Sevan is rich of fauna and fish species. Ishkhan (trout) is endemic species of fish that is represented in the lake with four species: summer bakhtak, winter bakhtak, gegharkhuni, bodjhak. In 1950s, the level of Lake Sevan significantly fell down when the water of the lake was used for irrigation and energy purposes. However, in 1980s, the drainage tunnel of Arpa-Sevan was exploited which saved Sevan and the level of the lake is now rising again. The National Park "Sevan" with Norashen’s, Lichkh-Arghich’s, Ghill’s and Artanish’s reserves are located in the territory of Lake Sevan.