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Noratus khachkars

Noratus is the world's largest complex of khachkars (cross-stones). About 800 khachkars of the 9th-17th centuries are preserved there. But as a settlement Noratus has been known since the early Bronze Age, which evidences the items discovered during the archaeological excavations. The talented medieval masters of sculpturing, sculptors of khachkars (cross-stone) Melikset kazmogh (sculptor of khachkars), Nerses, Kiram and others worked here. According to the legend, hundreds of cross-stones were dressed as soldiers during the recurrent attack of the Mongols. Seeing this terrible sight, the enemy retreated. There is a small chapel in the territory of the tomb by means of which, according to another legend, the whole village was saved. The Mongols had agreed with the village headman that they would spare lives of all the people who could go into the chapel. And all the residents were able to escape, as the chapel had a secret exit. The military commander of the Mongol army was amazed when he went into the chapel and saw only the praying headman there. The headman explained that the crowd had turned into the pigeons and flew into the sky.