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Festival of Tolma

Tolma is the most ritual Armenian dish. The word originated from the old Armenian word "udul" which means grapevine. From the word "udul" came the word "Tolin" which means born from grapes. Classic tolma is prepared in the following way: finely cut the meat, season with spices, wrap in grape leaves and cook. There are numerous kinds of tolma now and it can be prepared from meat, fish, vegetables... The festival-tasting of tolma is held annually in July at the memorial complex Sardaparat of the Marz (region) of Armavir, during which dozens of cooks from Armenia, Artsakh and the Armenian diaspora show off their skills in cooking tolma. The festival is held within the scope of the Yerevan Film Festival "Golden Apricot", and many world-famous filmmakers are its distinguished guests. Attending the festival of tolma, you will not only have an opportunity to try this peerless Armenian dish, but also to communicate directly with the celebrities of cinematography…