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Aragatsotn Marz (Region) ....

Aragatsotn Marz (region) is located in the central part of the Republic of Armenia. The total area is 2,753 square kilometers, which is 9.3 percent of the territory of Armenia.

The Marz (region) of Aragatsotn consists of the following 114 communities (hamaynkner), of which three are considered urban. Ashtarak, Talin and Aparan are the urban settlements. The administrative center (capital) of the region is the city of Ashtarak. It is located 20 kilometers far from the capital Yerevan and has a population of 21,000 people.

The total population of the region is 140 thousand people.

The interstate highway Yerevan-Tbilisi and the railway pass through the Aragatsotn Marz (region).

The average height above sea level of Aragatsotn Marz (region) is 2,200 meters. The highest point of the RA - Aragats (4,090 m) is located here.

Kasagh and Geghadzor are the largest rivers of the region (marz).

The Aragatsotn Marz (region) is rich in historical monuments: Katoghike Church of Talin (Talin Cathedral), the fortress of Dashtadem, Amberd, Ohanavank, Saghmosavank, The Armenian Alphabet Monument, the churches Karmravor, Spitakavor and Tsiranavor, the ancient settlement of Agarak, the royal mausoleum of Aghtsk, the church of Aruch are all located here...

The Observatory of Byurakan is also located in the marz (region) of Aragatsotn.